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Let's face it, Australians are well known for their “slang”, but in the Outback - they can have their own special and unique way of communicating. There are hundreds of words or expressions that is exclusively used in the Australian Bush and no where else! So if you're planning a trip to this great lands Outback, here's a few tips to get you started and have you speaking like a local in no time!
They say a picture is worth a thousand words and that you eat with your eyes! If that's the case, then feast your eyes on some of these incredible moments some of our Visitors have captured and shared on Instagram.
Enter the Walker family - a passionate family who run a generational sheep and cattle property. Their homestead has been opened up to locals and tourists alike to immerse themselves in what can only be described as truly unique and memorable experience.
As the evening meal prayer goes in some households – “two, four, six, eight – first in helps his mate”! Longreach isn’t short on choice and has plenty to offer! From Steakhouses, Curry Houses, Chinese, pubs, pizza, bakeries – whatever your preference, you won’t miss out on any meal of the day.
All kinds of folks come to the Outback. Joining a tour group is a popular way to experience the rugged beauty... in the comfort of an air-conditioned bus and with a packed program of interesting sights and engaging activities so you do not miss the best of what may be your once-in-a-lifetime bucket-list trip!
According to Urban Dictionary, a Swaggie is an is an old Australian and New Zealand term describing an underclass of transient temporary workers, who travelled by foot from farm to farm carrying the traditional swag (bedroll). Also characteristic of swagman attire was a hat strung with corks to ward off flies.
Camden Park Station is home to many great things and full of Outback history, but did you know, Longreach's highest lookout is actually located at Camden Park Station?
There’s plenty to do and see at Longreach – a perfect mix history and modern conveniences! Take one of the countless tours (land, air or water), take the kids to the skate park, aquatic centre, stroll around one of the museums, take in a show or two or if nature is where your interests lie you’ll be spoilt for choice with the national parks to explore either on foot, using pedal power or for the more adventurous four wheel driving. Camp, fish, bird watch to your hearts content.
2016 was known for being such a bad year for so many people, but for me, I look back and remember certain things with a great fondness.
It all started with a phone call wondering the potential to have a GQ photoshoot on location out at Campden Park Station. Always open to anything, the reply back was “let’s do this”.
Anniversaries are always a wonderful time for reflection and reminiscing and this year, marks the 45th anniversary of when Sir James Walker requested the attendance of Queen Elizabeth and Duke of Edinburgh (or Prince Phillip as we like to call him) to visit Camden Park Station and meet with lady dignitaries whilst in the Country for the opening of the Sydney Opera House.
First and foremost, when travelling in Outback Queensland you are asked to please acknowledge and respect the values and beliefs of Indigenous Australians as they have a long standing view that the landscape is the very core of all spirituality!
Queensland has so much to offer the holidaymaker and there are so many experiences to be had! Why not try and incorporate some of these little gems Outback Dan has suggested;
Not sure where to start with your Outback Queensland experience? Well let me help you out by pointing you in the direction of the Camden Park Station!
Located approximately 700 kilometres from the coast, west of Rockhampton, the town is named after the "long reach" of the Thomson River on which it is situated.
Longreach is a town in Central West Queensland and being the outback, it's going to get hot during the day! So here's a few tips on how you can stay cool in Longreach
As the sun sets on another year, at Camden Park Station, we're so proud to look back at all that was achieved in 2016! With the launch of the Outback Yacht Club, over 2000 visitors and the awesome achievement of receiving a 5 star rating on both Trip Advisor and Facebook.
Check out two fantastic Queensland tours that are coming our way in 2017 with All Trade Travel and Fun Over 50!
Outback Dan will be leaving his country life in Longreach, Outback Queensland for a week and travelling to the bright lights of the Gold Coast from November 3rd – 10th to promote Outback Mates and our honorary Outback Mates deals with the Australian Stockman’s Hall of Fame Outback Stockman’s Show.
Outback Dan is a living, breathing, tour-leading, fifth generation farmer with red dust in his blood.
There's only one thing the residents in Longreach want this Christmas, and that is rain.
Amid Queensland's most widespread drought on record, 80 percent of the state is affected.
There have now been three dry "wet seasons", but with summer approaching again, everyone is hoping and praying this time, there will be rain.
“Phyllis H
Phyllis H
19 contributions
Camden Park Station Experience
Camden Park Station is run by Dan Walker, also known as Outback Dan, and his lovely family. Dan is a fifth generation farmer and a third generation on Camden Park. His has changed from Sheep and Cattle to Cattle and Tourism. He is a forward thinking person who is looking to protect the ways of the Outback and to bring Tourism to the area and show people the True Outback. The station is 18500 acres of lush grazing country. Back in 2016, the property recieved its Organic Certification. There are 55000 solar panels on one section of the farm, which generates 17.5 mega watts of power. The station has exclusion fencing which helps maintain the property for the cattle, keeping out any other animals, such as foxes, Kangaroos etc. Dan meets the bus near the front gate to the property and immediately makes everyone feel like old friends. He is a passionate person about his station and the Outback. Dan gives a talk on the running of the station and then we move onto the Solar Panel area of the station.”